
7 Eye-Catching Ways to Accent Your New Siding

Upgrading your home's siding can leave other parts of your exterior looking a little drab. Here are seven unique ideas to boost your home's outside appearance.

Manicure Your Lawn

Aside from the façade of your house, your yard is perhaps the first and most noticeable item people will see when they look at your home. Even if your lawn isn't looking great, you can improve its aesthetics with a little DIY effort. If you want to improve the look of your home and complement your siding, apply regular treatments to kill weeds and fertilize the yard. It's also important to keep up with your mowing and trimming routine.

It may sound made-up, but there are lawn-greening sprays that are non-toxic and formulated to boost the look of your grass.

Landscape Your Gardens

detail of a beautiful garden with an interlocking stone walkway to accent house siding options

Take the time to groom unused or poorly tended flowerbeds around the foundation of your home. Regular weeding can help you stay ahead of weed growth and help prevent wasting an entire weekend pulling weeds. Use mulch to extend the time between weeding sessions.

Mulch can do much more than just minimize the growth of weeds in your garden. Fresh mulch provides a revitalized appearance to your flowerbeds and your home as a whole. Also, mulch helps retain moisture for your plants, which ensures a robust garden.

Upgrade Your Light Fixtures

New lighting fixtures are an excellent accent to house siding options and can enhance the overall look of your property. If your home has outdated or builder-grade light fixtures, pick out new fixtures from your local home improvement store.

Install New Doors and Windows

If you’re installing new siding, it’s a good idea to invest in new doors and windows as well. Installing new windows on an older home will let in more light and improve the uniformity of your home’s outer façade. Installing a new front door will also improve the look of your siding.

Create Depth with a Fence

Installing a fence is a great way to accent the overall appearance of your home's siding and curb appeal. The addition of a low fence around the front of your property will provide two benefits. First, it will create a boundary between the street and your private space. Second, it will make your front yard seem larger.

Add Shiny Hardware

Not all changes to your home need to be large-scale. The addition of new hardware, such as a new doorknocker or large address numbers, will blend in with your new siding and provide a visual pop to the outer façade of your home.

Build or Revitalize Your Front Porch

Adding a front porch to your home creates a common space for entertaining and makes your home seem more warm and welcoming. If you already have a porch, you can revitalize its appearance by purchasing new furniture, or by pressure washing and re-staining its surfaces.


There are many ways to accent the appearance of your siding. Regardless of which you choose, enhanced siding will boost the appearance of your property and improve the appeal of your house.

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