6 Steps to Turn Your Shed into a Chicken Coop
Millions of Americans are flocking to the trend of raising backyard chickens, particularly in urban settings. Between a constant supply of fresh eggs, a unique family hobby and an endless source of entertainment, it's easy to understand why.
Spring is traditionally considered the time to get started as temperatures warm and chickens begin laying again after the winter hiatus. If you're thinking about joining in, you don't have to look farther than your backyard shed to help make your chicken coop dreams a reality.
So, you have your backyard shed-what's next? With just a few days and these easy-to-follow steps, you'll be well on your way to fresh eggs in no time.
The 6 Basic Steps
Assess the dimensions of your current shed to ensure you won't quickly outgrow the space. People often get hooked on raising chickens, and flock sizes can steadily increase. A 10x12-square-foot shed is the minimum size to consider.
You've measured your dimensions, and now you're ready to get started. Install the equivalent of a "doggy door" in the exterior wall so chickens can roam freely between the coop and outdoor chicken run (see step 6 for more).
Just inside the shed entrance, build a wall with a door that uses chicken wire to form an enclosure that contains the feeding/water area, roost (where chickens sleep) and nesting boxes. You can store your supplies just inside the shed door, too.
Chickens like to roost, not roast. Inspect your roofing and ensure it’s durable and functional. A product like LP® ProStruct® Roof Sheathing with SilverTech® helps keep solar energy from penetrating into the interior of your shed. Paired with an open coop design to increase ventilation, this can help keep chickens cool from the summer heat.
Install a vent just beneath the shed roof to keep your coop smelling fresh. Or, you can install one or two windows to produce adequate ventilation and heat relief during the summer.
Use wood and chicken wire to build a chicken run adjacent to the shed. This is the space where chickens can stretch their legs and enjoy the sunshine.
Flock to It
Ready to take on backyard chickens this spring? Between roofing and wall and trim products, LP® Outdoor Building Solutions® is here no matter what stage of the process. Its durability, functionality and good looks will make your shed-turned-coop the envy of the neighborhood.
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